Meadow Cottage, East Sussex, February 2010

These are two "poems by me ... written in the early days while you three boys were asleep. I had forgotten them until I turned out my files recently".


 Children of our love, how soon
 To walk and talk,
 And graduate to Pooh.

 Children of our love , how soon
 To bike and hike;
 Reach and Os and As - BSc too.

 Children of our love, how soon
 To kiss and court,
 Then plan for two.

 Children of our love, how soon
 Make babes alike
 As me and you!

 Children of our love's love, how soon
 To walk and talk,
 And graduate to Pooh.


 Clock ticks
 Fires splutter
 Silence sings
 Candles gutter

 Christmas Eve
 Kids "asleep"
 Ever hopeful
 For a peep

 Dreaming, dozing
 Oh so late
 Stockings bulge
 With goodies wait

 Quickly then
 Creep above
 Bated breath
 With Santa's love

 Precious kids
 Sleeping deep
 May heaven's babe
 Safely keep.

© John Hall 2010

Boy Asleep

Picture from sean dreilinger at Flickr, Creative Commons licence.

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