The summer was spent working on the heather and now there's a little mowing to be finished, followed by constructing one or two more benches for visitors' use. They are also useful for us at coffee-time if we are working close by.
Volunteering on a nature reserve like Selwyn's Wood is one of those activities that one either loves or hates. Many has been the time when I have felt that a potential volunteer is not happy on the first morning, and often he or she never returned. On the other hand some take to the work like a duck to water, as they say.
Some others may have doubts. A case in point was a ballet teacher who wondered if her arms would be strong enough to use tools. We let her down gently and within six months she was able to handle an axe like a good 'un! She stayed with us for about three years. Some people have become so enthusiastic that they have not only taken courses, but have gone into full-time study of countryside management.
So if you just enjoy fresh air in the wood; picking up knowledge of wildlife, and the chat and gentle banter of colleagues, you would be in good company.
I am so enthusiastic about this sort of volunteering that I would recommend it for all young people particularly because, if you like it, you can go further and make it a career. For retired folk it can keep you fit - and you could even become a reserve manager (warden) like I did. Anybody of either sex from 16-ish and over is welcome to volunteer if you are reasonably fit.
I don't really expect you to rush down to Selwyn's Wood after reading this, but if you have never been, do pay us a visit. From Heathfield take the B2192 into Cross-in-Hand. Turn left at the Methodist Church and after half-a-mile watch for a driveway with a small notice. Take care: most drivers miss it!
If you are up for volunteering, be there any Thursday at 9.30am with your drink and a snack. We knock off at 12.30pm. And if you have a mechanical turn of mind, you'll be doubly welcome. The mower broke down again this week!
John Hall © 2009