Selwyn's Wood, July 2007

I think it was my idea originally: to sort out the shambles left from years of cutting down trees before they reached up to the power lines above. Unfortunately they were just chain-sawed and left lying about, because all the power companies I have ever known are not generally concerned with woodmanship - or even a little tidying up.

So I dreamed some years ago of moving out the dead wood, rooting out the old chestnut "stools" and brambles, and cutting up the odd wind-blown tree, to transform it into a long, grassy meadow full of flowers. The opportunity came sooner than expected this year, as winter gave way to spring.

I had rather dreaded the operation - the whole area was pretty daunting - but this first part of it was a doddle. There were only a few stools, which we could deal with later. Then, suddenly, it was frighteningly the size of two socking great tennis courts! Frightening because a) what had we done? And b) what did our visitors think we had done?

Later in the summer we strimmed it and pulled the bracken, and hopefully we will be able to move on to cut it regularly with our hard-working cutter-bar mower. Then, in time, the weeds will be held at bay and allow the grass to grow. After that we will start to wonder what flowery delights will await us all. So watch that huge space!

In the meantime we have been making steps, putting in a new conduit where a ride crosses a stream, and - you’ve guessed it - more tedious work on the heather!

Anyone for tennis?

John Hall © 2007

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