Selwyn's Wood, June 2006

Short ones, long ones, fat ones, hairy ones, noisy ones and sheer hooligans - we used to get the lot at our nature reserve. I'm talking about dogs. Pooches in packs let off their leads by so-called "professional" dog walkers.

For at least 18 months we have been plagued by three packs roaming at will, disturbing the wildlife in Selwyn's Wood. Now however, the owners of the wood, Sussex Wildlife Trust, have had enough. All visitors may walk up to two animals without a lead. More than that they must be on a lead.

And not before time... People - and dogs -- have been bitten or molested; several of us working on the reserve have had their "elevenses" nicked, and it is no thanks to the "professionals" that a dog milling around in a pack could easily have cut itself on one of our tools. Not to mention that the extra dog poo on our boots is not nice.

I am not anti-dogs, indeed I have one which comes to the reserve with me - our Rosie. No, I am only against (a) owners who shuffle off their responsibilities on to the "professional" walkers, and (b) the way in which the latter apparently do not appreciate that a nature reserve is for wildlife. Not dogs.

Of course, other owners have dogs which can be a nuisance, but our notices to that effect may change things gradually. Meanwhile, life is much quieter on the reserve. Rosie enjoys her freedom over the reserve because she is quiet and friendly. But if she were not, I would not take her there, or perhaps keep her on the lead.

I am probably misquoting the slogan that a dog is not just for Christmas. But it is not for the birds either...

John Hall © 2006

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