So we have built a causeway through a permanently muddy path; built "steps" to hold erosion on a steep path, tidied up brambles threatening to obliterate another path, and have replaced six treads on our main bridge! The team really are workaholics.
The steps were a mere matter of digging to insert lengths of split chestnut pegged down to hold the soil back. All of which had been made ready during the winter.
But the bridge was something of a shock. Always after the winter there is a good deal of maintenance, and buying our regular annual length of treated wood which would normally replace seven treads, used up six of them! The bridge, at it's highest point over a ghyll, is about 12 ft (4m. or so) above the stream, so we are careful to keep it in good repair. In this instance all the old treads were rotting to some degree.
While we were working on the bridge we spied three species of butterfly at the same time - an orangetip, a wood brown and a peacock. Then suddenly a green woodpecker burst on to the bluebelled ride with its ringing call - yaffle - as the old folks called it. The wood ants were making a proper job of their nest and the twayblades (green orchids) were blooming quietly round the corner. It all combined to make it a day of great pleasure for us all.
But before we can relax and and stop and stare at the wildlife we will have to get on with the bracken bashing. That's something that we prefer not to think about yet!
Sussex Wildlife Trust, which owns the reserve, has published a new 101-page guide to all its 40 or so reserves, most of which are open to the public. At £7.50 it is good value. Talk to them on 01273 492630; 01273 494500 (fax), or email: The web site is
John Hall © 2002