Last month I was bemoaning three problems on the reserve. Then, at a stroke, they disappeared. This was the way of it...
Our headquarters at Woods Mill, Henfield, asked if we would like to borrow the conservation "hit squad". Would we! So about eight volunteers from Brighton and West Sussex ventured into the Weald and zoomed into our car park in a large four-wheel-drive vehicle. And within about five hours they had broken the back of the heather job. Super!
The squad is a new venture by Sussex Wildlife Trust for just this sort of operation. It meant saving us several weeks of hard labour - not to mention days when we might not be able to work. It means that our mower will soon be put to work once we have been trained.
But as if to crown our good fortune, three new volunteers appeared on the scene, praise be - all young, and fit into the bargain. They were just in time to work on the last of the heather weeding (not rewarding work for a new volunteer). So later, we will enjoy sniffing the honeyed scent of the heather in August. That is an annual pleasure even as one approaches the footpath rounding the bend when the glorious sight of the mauve vista delights the eye beyond the backdrop of the Low Weald and the Downs. And that's not all. There will be loads of bees, dragonflies, crickets, chiff-chaffs and yellowhammers to greet our ears as well. Heaven!
Why not come and see the heather on Sunday, August 26 at 2pm when we are taking a number of Trust members to see the wood and our work, and walk round. You would be very welcome to join in.
By that time I hope visitors will able to see the results of our work with the mower on the paths and the rides. And not before time too. Some of the bracken is more than head high and is already gangling about all over the place. Not to mention brambles shooting across the paths like demented barbed wire!
John Hall © 2001